Let us address the initial question.  How does the force of God, as Spirit, impinge on us as physical beings?

The answer is from within.  The trans-formation of energy, from spiritual to physical, is a process that takes place within our own bodies.

“The spirit is the life, the mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.”
The thoughts we think, and the words we speak are energy that enhance or detract from our lives what we want or do not want depending upon what we are thinking.

“The spirit is the life” indicates that there is only one force in the universe and this force is not only the source of all life, but is life itself.”  “The physical is the result” indicates that all we experience in the manifest universe is a projection of energies and patterns from beyond the physical.”

“The mind is the builder” indicates that there is a mediating process between the spiritual reality of the one force and the manifestations of that force as we experience them in our present three-dimensional consciousness.

The body is inclusive of the physical, mental and spiritual and thereby represents the whole, or the oneness as of the Father.  If wholeness is living dynamically, in attunement with God, what is illness?  The Edgar Cayce Readings say that all illness comes from sin, whether we like it or not.  WHAT IS SIN?  SIN IS WRONG THINKING.  When we work out of harmony with the whole, this is sin.  We build that disharmony into our own beings, physically, mentally, spiritually, and it manifests in illness.  Healing begins when our desires, choices and subsequent applications move in harmony with the whole.

Always remember wrong thinking can always be corrected.  Just think of it as an error that can be corrected.  Think of it as a left hand turn or a detour which can be turned into a right hand turn.  It is recommended that you not judge the error thought, it just is.  It is not written in stone.  Within the moment that you recognize the wrong thought it is corrected.  It is recommended that you put that energy into the form of love, and forgiveness, and send it on its way to the person or situation to which it applies.  Then continue on with your life as if it never happened.

OUR PHYSICAL WELL BEING IS A DIRECT LINE OF COMMUNICATION TO OUR GOD WITHIN, AND if we are not feeling completely at ease, well, and happy, then there is some feeling or thoughts that are not in harmony.

Ponder this:  When you get up in the morning, when you look outside and see rain, or snow, what is your response to the weather?  Do you think “What a rotten day.  Traffic will be terrible on the way to work.  This rain is going to do a number on my hairdo.” – –  Or do you look out and think “What beautiful miracle is going to happen today.  Thank you Mother Nature for this nice rain/snow.  I send love to you and all that is.”

The whole idea of looking at things differently is NOT TO JUDGE THE DAY AT ALL, it is neither good nor bad, it just is.  Non judgment will get you a better day.  You don’t need sunshine to get you a better day.
When you look out, and start your day with these pessimistic thoughts, just notice how you feel.  Are you ready to tackle anything that comes your way, or are you feeling tired or depressed.  THESE FEELINGS ARE YOUR MESSAGE FROM THE GOD OF YOU.  PAY ATTENTION!

ANOTHER SITUATION:  You have been asked to do a presentation to a few people at work, and all is going well.  You know it would be best to get done by 4 p.m..  You notice the time and it is 3 p.m. and several people are starting to get long-winded.  You still have much to cover.  Take a moment & notice what your feelings are.  I would bet that they are impatience, anxiety, and nervousness.  NOW, THE GOD OF YOU is trying to get your attention.  He is saying you are not staying in the moment.  He is saying enjoy what the people have to offer and not worry about the time.  All is well and you will have enough time to finish your program.  Remember when you take yourself out of the NOW, and begin to worry about the future, you are separating yourself from God.  You are timeless when you stay in the moment.

Whenever an agitated feeling erupts, back up and review your thoughts and do a pivot to get back on track.  Love and forgive the interrupting thoughts and return to the NOW! – – –  Then assess how you feel.  We have been trained to live our lives by constantly watching the clock.  When you are living from the God of you, you are timeless and always have enough time to accomplish what you wish.

ANOTHER SITUATION:  When we watch television, what thoughts go around in our minds?  Daily, we have been trained by television and their world of beautiful people, to always judge what we see, and then go on about it, telling everyone who will listen about what you saw.  Only now, are they beginning to change some their stereotypical selections in casting.  Hey, there are actually some overweight, and not so handsome people who are talented actors.  (And even this statement is judgmental)  Do you see, we are always putting adjectives on everything we talk about.  These people just are! STOP – -when you recognize that you were judging someone because of how that person looks, notice how you are feeling.  Are you feeling really good and energetic?  Or are you beginning to feel very tired.  Or is there an ache in your hip or foot that wasn’t there before you sat down. (Probably from lifting all those groceries out of the trunk) WRONG – – The pain or tiredness is the God of you trying to get your attention.  You have separated yourself from Him and He is trying to draw you back.

ANOTHER SITUATION:  You are driving your car and you notice another car weaving erratically.  You begin to judge.  You say “I’ll bet he is lighting a cigarette, or talking on a cell phone.  He’s doing everything but driving.  He’s going to cause an accident.  NOW STOP, notice how you are feeling.  Are you feeling contented, or agitated.  Are you getting a headache?  Take a moment to forgive the judgmental thoughts, send that person love and reassess how you feel.  (I’ll bet the headache is gone!)

These are only a few simple examples of how “Our God Within” tries to get our attention.  Just think about where your thoughts have been if you have a chronic poor health condition within your body.  Chronic illness of any kind is an indicator that your thoughts are not very pure.  JUDGEMENT, FEAR, ANGER, REPRESSED FEELINGS, UNHAPPY WITH LIFE IN GENERAL, OLD ABUSES HELD ONTO, FEELINGS OF GUILT, FEELINGS THAT THE WORLD OWES YOU A LIVING, BUT YOU ARE NOT GETTING IT.  SICK & TIRED OF YOUR JOB, BUT NOT WILLING TO GET ANOTHER BECAUSE THIS ONE HAS GREAT BENEFITS.  FEAR OF MOVING ON.  HANGING ON TO THE POOR ME SYNDROME.  (You know the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer)  Quite a cliché’ to hang on to. REALLY UNHAPPY IN YOUR MARRIAGE, BUT FEARFUL OF A FUTURE BY YOURSELF.  FEELING YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS IN A MARRIAGE, BUT NOT WILLING TO SPEAK UP ABOUT IT.  HANGING ON TO THE OLD BELIEF THAT WOMEN NEED TO BE TAKEN CARE OF.  TOO MUCH ON THE CALENDAR, AND NOT ONE THING IS FUN.  (but not willing to say no)  JEALOUS OF ANOTHER PERSONS ABILITIES.  JEALOUS OF YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER.  FEELING YOU WERE MADE A FOOL OF, YOU TOLD THE PERSON OFF, but now you feel guilty that you did that.  And somehow you are still angry about the whole thing and on and on and on.

An old Buddist saying:  Anger is like drinking poison, and expecting the other person to die.

All of the above will lead to chronic illness or pain etc.

What do you do when you have a chronic ailment?  Isn’t it true that you make sure that everyone knows about it.  You want to be sure they do so you can get sympathy, or you can justify a certain behavior in yourself.

A good example of this is a person with allergies.  I use this example because it is something I had to deal with personally.  Below are some of the ways I fed energy into the very thing that I didn’t want, and in telling everyone, they also fed it when they thought of me, or when they saw me.

1.    I started to suspect food allergies.
2.    Found a good specialist and was tested.
3.    Tested for 60 foods, and found that I was sensitive to 54 of them.
4.    Wow! I better watch what I eat.
5.    Kept a daily diary and went on a rotation diet.
6.    Made sure wherever I was that everyone knew about the allergies.
7.    Constantly saying I couldn’t have this or that.
8.    Took B-12 shots.
9.    Frequent visits to Physician.

Would you say I fed the allergies a lot of energy.

Then, along came Spiritual Meta-Physics.  I learned that I was doing all this to myself.  I decided that allergies were not what I wanted in my life, and I withdrew my energy from them.  Right away I decided I could eat anything I wanted to eat, and I did.  Whenever ego stepped in to remind of any sensitivities, I would just send the thought love and forgive it and eat what I wanted  THIS WAS A TIME OF A LOT OF MENTAL WORK ON MY PART, but I did not deviate from what I wanted, and I was never bothered by foods.  And if I did have a recurrence I just withdrew my energy from the thoughts.  I thanked EGO for bringing me the thought so I could correct it.  WHAT YOU DON’T FEED DIES!

Our attitude toward this present moment will be reflected in our well-being.  An attitude because it relates to the mind and will, as well as the spirit, is one of the clearest, most immediate indicators that man has a soul, a spiritual being within him.
Attitudes clearly affect our behavior and subsequently the experience that we undergo.

EXAMPLE:  Attitude and how we can be affected by it – – –

Say we hear an item of news about a world situation.  Our initial response becomes a choice.  We may experience this news as a call to prayer, or as a personal threat.  If we choose to respond with prayer – sending Light and Love to all concerned, we may experience a greater sense of closeness to the Divine, a greater sense of personal worth and well-being a reassurance about the future of the world.  On the other hand, if we choose to view the item of news as a personal threat, and JOIN IN the pessimism given out on the report, we will feel estranged, ill at ease, and impotent and separated from our Divine self.

As we learn to NOT JOIN IN THE PESSIMISTIC attitudes of society we begin to have a feeling of well-being everyday.  We open our store-houses of potential and begin to develop in different ways to enhance our lives.  This can be seen in certain relationships with another person, the unfolding of a magnificent talent, or the course of a serious disease.  All of these things are brought about by our attitude, by the imaginative forces of the mind.

As the mind dwells upon a certain attitude, the physiology of the body follows the representation in the mind.  Then, the responses of the endocrine glands instruct the rest of the body functioning, which is appropriate to the emotional patterns being awakened.  The seven endocrine glands and their hormonal secretions orchestrate the responses of every cell, perhaps every atom of the body.  If the expressions of these patterns are out of harmony with the normal functioning of the physiological forces of the body, then disorder in our lives and dis-ease in our bodies will INEVITABLY FOLLOW.

As we live our lives focused on the attitude of the ideal for all, as creator and builder, the mind begins to awaken emotional responses within the body as well as behavior patterns towards others, bringing into manifestation those qualities we desire, both in our bodies and in the environment about us.

The setting of an ideal has similarities to the true function of a mantra in meditation.  It awakens a high sense of purpose, thus opening the motivational centers through which spiritual energies may flow into manifestation in our own bodies and in our relationships with others.

We can choose to take charge of our thinking and change negative emotions to positive energy flowing through us, therefore enhancing what we want in our lives and in the lives of those around us.  Remember there is no neutral thought!  Our thoughts are our prayers!

A belief in a God Within would ultimately mean that we are affirming good, that we know there is only one force at work in the universe, and that force is good.  This force that we speak of here is knowing that God is within each of us.  Within all animals.  Within all things.  God is within every blade of grass and every rock.  This God is perfection.  We are always in perfect health unless we think otherwise.  We are always safe, no matter what the situation, unless we think otherwise.  We are always being guided by our Divine Spirit Within, and if we trust that guidance, we are always right where we should be.  The situation will always be for everyone’s’ highest good.  And, if it is not, that means you have chosen to separate yourself from the God of you.  When you are being re-directed, know that there is a good reason for it, and flow with it.

As we continue to focus on our knowingness, holding fast to it, our challenges in life will bring great growth and happiness.  As we release our fears and learn to trust, our joy will be great.

Fear is at the root of most of mankind’s ills, whether it is fear of ourselves, or fear of what others think of us, or fear of how we appear to others.

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, the challenge and hope in dealing with this fear is:

“. . . fill the mental, spiritual being, with that which wholly casts out fear; that is, as the love that is manifest in the world through Him who gave Himself the ransom for many.  Such love, such faith, such understanding, casts out fear.  Be ye not fearful; for that thou sowest, that thou must reap.  Be more mindful of that sown….”  5459-3

“. . . To be sure attitudes oft influence the physical conditions of the body.  No one can hate his neighbor and not have stomach and liver trouble.  No one can be jealous and allow anger of same and not have upset digestion of heart disorder.”  4021-1

Thank God daily for perfect health and for abundance in all things.

Affirmation for release of ill health:

“I fully and freely forgive.  I loose and let go and let God’s love do its perfect work in me.  I let go and let God’s love do its perfect work in the conscious, subconscious and super conscious activities of my mind, body and affairs.  I give thanks that peace, health, plenty and happiness now reign supreme in me and in my world.”

Say affirmation first thing in the morning, and last thing at night.

Inspiration for this lesson came from The Edgar Cayce Primer,

Discovering the Path to Self-
Transformation with Herbert B. Puryear,

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder,

You Can Heal Your Life by
Louise L. Hay

and the Angel Seminars I attended when I began my journey.

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